
PS Cashbook

Data Hosting - Edit an Invitation


How do I edit an invitation I have sent to a user?

Detailed Description

Note: If an invitation has been sent to and accepted by a user, you can not edit the invitation, only view the information.

  • Click on the Setup > Data Hosting menu option.
  • Click on the Invitations tab.
  • Make sure the Show Accepted/Expired Invitations check box in not ticked.
  • Click on the invitation, so it is highlight blue.
  • Click on the Edit button.


The only edit option available is:

  • Tick the User can make changes to this company check box, if you want the user to have this type of access.
  • Do not tick the User can make changes to this company check box, if you want the user to have read-only access only
  • Click OK to save changes.


Click on the following link to Delete an Invitation.


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