
PS Stockbook

Using the new User Lists in Stockbook 2019

Detailed Description

1. Introduction

The purpose of this knowledge base article is to describe how to use the new User Lists within Stockbook from version 2019.


2. User Lists Button

The functionality of the User List button on the Stockbook main screen has be modified. If you are in the animal list and have animal(s) selected and you select the User Lists button, you will now get additional options :


2.1 Add selected animals to user list.

This will display the following screen:

The animals you have selected will appear in the "Selected Animals" list. The number of animals listed will be displayed at the bottom of that list.

Select the user list you wish to add those animals to from the "Add selected animals to" list. Note that you can expand folders by clicking on the small arrow in front of the folder.

If you want the animals to be appended to the list then ensure that "Append to list" is selected, or if you want the list cleared before add those animals ensure "Clear list first" is selected.

Once you have finished selecting the appropriate options select the OK button to add those animals to the selected user list.

If you need to add or modify a user list while in this screen select the "Setup User Lists" button.


2.2 Add progeny of selected animals to user list.

Selecting this function will open the same screen as 2.1 above and insert all of the progeny of the selected animals into the animal list. The rest of the functionality is as it is in 2.1 above.


2.3 Compare selected animals to user list.

If you wish to compare the list of selected animals to those in a user list you can use the "Compare selected animals to user list" function. First select the animals in the animal list then press the user list button and select "Compare selected animals to user list". The following screen will appear:

Select the user list you would like to compare to and then press the print preview button to see the list of selected animals that are NOT in the user list. If you wish to save that list of missing animals to a CSV file select the Save to List button.


2.4 Setup User Lists

The setup user list screen allows you to add, edit and delete any user lists you have configured. 

Note that you can move user lists into folders by dragging and dropping them onto the folder.

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